Sunday, March 3, 2019

Research 3

For this research I decided to find another popular movie that uses a scene where the main character suffers from PTSD. In this was it was in the movie American Sniper directed by Clint Eastwood. In this scene the main character (Chris Kyle) was sitting down staring at a blank screen thinking about the war that he had just returned from, Eastwood decided to add sound effects in the background to help the audience realize that he was thinking about when he was at war. It later transitions to a dog play fighting with a boy in the backyard, this play fighting triggered his PTSD and reminded him of when one of his form troops got attacked at war and he had to go help save him. From these scenes we were able to pick up on some of Eastwood's decisions as to why he did it and give us inspiration on how to do our scene. We want our main character to be a war veteran in his late 20's to early 30's which is why Dio's brother offered to help us create this. We will use some of the techniques used by Eastwood such as the trigger of the dog play fighting, however in our case it would be something that someone says. Dio had a good idea in class that a supporting cast member would say something similar to "Can you hold this" which would trigger the soldiers PTSD of him holding a gun during the war.

American Sniper:
In Depth Analysis:

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